(pt. 66)
I did make mention before of some of my mother's
chronic medical conditions - rheumatic fever when
young causing all sorts of other things later on : bad
heart valves, open-heart surgery, numerous ails and
hindrances. I can't talk about it; medical stuff is not
my forte, and anyway, right now I'm too sad. Because
of all that, nonetheless, in my household the prevalence
of doctors, pills, medicines and hospitals was always
pretty strong. I grew up innured to all that, and now go
out of my way to avoid and ignore it. Until I die anyway. I
don't know how many other kids had parents under doctors'
care - numerous doctors - and no one ever talked about
it. Everyone else seemed pretty healthy, that young in life
anyway. I grant you, as many of these parents aged I did
witness lots of them in wheezing, bent-over stupors of old
age and sickness. Even for myself - a few years after that
train accidnet it was Doctor This and Doctor That, with it
seemed everyone wanting a piece of me, or at least a billable
look-see. I walked away from all that as soon as the last one
'got done with me. Amidst all my friends and playtimes, no
one knew a thing - I could have been the healthiest boy at
any party. Before the doctors would be done with me, I had
a battery of tests they demanded. Another problem, I never
figured this one out, but they fixed it, was, they said, 'spinal
fluid leaking out my ear'. Never bothered me any, but my
ears can hear around corners. Maybe? They did something
about it and that was that. I also, for three or four years -
and this was weird - would get vicious, debilitating late
afternoon migraines. On schedule, about the same time
each time as they occurred. I would blank out, in a hideous
forehead/temple pain. My mother kept a mask-thing in the
freezer. It was some sort of blue liquid in a heavy, clear
plastic, and I'd wear it, like a diving mask or something like
Zorro. It was really cold, would somehow alleviate the
migraine, until I'd sleep it off by a zonked-out nap for
about two hours. Then, one day, they just stopped
happening. Another thing I remember, a combination
of Catholic meatless Fridays and post-hospital stuff, was
a total, sickening aversion to egg salad sandwiches - which
my mother had always tried to stuff down my mouth. That
one took years and years to go away. I'm OK now, and egg
salad's not a problem. Yet, I think back to my friends, and
I wonder how it must have been for them : 'yeah, see that
guy on third base, he's the guy with spinal fluid leaking
out his ear; be careful.'
At first, when we moved to Avenel, it was just 'Perth Amboy
General Hospital', maybe 10 miles away, and nothing else
within the area - that's where all the doctors were based,
their offices were (lots of office visits, as well as the house
calls, which were a soon to disappear, a quaint vestige
again of an older Americana'). Over the river (the Raritan)
and thus south of Perth Amboy (called 'South Amboy'),
there was a small satellite hospital, a vestige of the one
in Perth Amboy, and where it started actually. It went
like this: in the clay-pits/meadow area of swampy South
Amboy, about the time of 1950, there was a munitions
factory and - much like the Jersey City one in WWI,
'Black Tom' - previously mentioned way back - it too
blew up; [I mentioned Black Tom previously] about in
May, 1950. The 'emergency' factor of that explosion
required the commandeering of one or two large
homes for the emergency medical treatment stations
- from this commandeering came the genesis of an
actual 'South Amboy' hospital and some of the buildings
there were later absorbed into hospital use; at first it
was all rather quaint, looking something like a military
encampment medical center, with house and sheds
pressed into use. Eventually it lost all that look as new
buildings and modern facilities were built, the hospital's
footprint vastly enlarged, and only one of the original
building now still stands - what once must have been
a not so shabby, tall, three-story mansion sort of home.
It can yet be seen from Route 9, in use, at the rear of
all the rest of the facilities. Perth Amboy General served
the entire area, right up until the 1960's, when the
hugely burgeoning population and development of
the area necessitated a new, larger, and more modern
facility - it was built and named (of course, for the
times) 'John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital' - referred
to ever after as JFK. There was a great deal of duplicity
and criminality involved in all this - I only found out
much later and, of course, no one ever followed up on
anything - but JFK became a huge profit-making
facility, far surpassing Perth Amboy. In time, by the
late 1980's, JFK Medical Center' as it was then
re-named, had absorbed all these other facilities
and it was all re-named again as Raritan Bay Medical
Center. Now a huge, multi-faceted, sprawling group
of emergency medical, medical care, 'wellness' facilities,
operating almost as for-profit granny-care. Plying on
pathos, billboards and such dot the area. The funniest
part of it all now, as well, is how so many personal-injury
and 'Team-Law' establishments (ambulance chasers?)
and their office buildings, have sprouted up in close
proximity to each of these sites, as well as the ubiquitous,
facetiously earnest and unsightly as well, Rite Aids,
Walgreens, CVS and the others - which facilities
have appeared, literally littering streetcorners all
about. Pill-pushers, false injury lawyers and treatment
centers - a veritable industry of scorn and abuse, of
everything. In line with this, abutting the border of
Edison and Woodbridge, (less than 2 miles, heading
North on Rt. 27 (the old Lincoln Highway)), right at
MetroPark, called so now, I once knew a family there,
the Coopers, of Coopers Farm/Dairy. Long ago
obliterated, long ago gone; but in the 1960's, mid,
you could still go there and see the cows and the
rolling acres of working farmfields under cultivation
and as pasture and meadow. Theirs was the last
remnant of what once was a thriving agricultural
area. The Coopers, before there was a MetroPark,
had all of their land ending at the old, small, Iselin
train station. When they got out of their farms, I
guess age or retirement or whatever,a lot of these
folk (the Coopers and others) had ceded the lands
to Woodbridge, in perpetuity, as 'Woodbridge School
Lands' - meaning they were to be (only) dedicated
to the use of schools and educational, not profit-making,
uses by the town. Not a school was built, nary a one -
in fact, through the manipulations of real-estate names
like the Alfieri, Berg, Yelensics and others - names that
were once powerful forces locally, as Yelensics and
others also were for the hospital area, vast fortunes
were made in turning over this land, into what is now
acres and acres of corporate headquarters, plazas,
tenanted buildings, parking garages and - valuable
because of all the commuter proximity, the MetroPark
train complex. All of this is a huge undertaking, dirty
and political, and it represents many hands feeding at
a crooked trough.
I'm not carrying this to the mat, and I really just want
to show how vastly Avenel and the area around it has
grown. It's a completely different place; let me emphasis
that. Let me just say, also : this was all the land and
place I was given, the location of my thought and
mind. This was only one little place, and the endemic
nature of this all far surpasses the tiny nature of
what I've related - it's gone on everywhere, always.
The first Avenel, or at least the one I passe through,
in all frank honesty, no longer exists. It's been rolled
over. Everything is based upon lies, corruption, deceit
for money, misrepresentation, stealing and corrupt
politics. It's a cohort's game, deal and deed - one
after the other - played and messaged by dirty, foul
people. Politics is an insider's club. You get into it all
so that you can feed from this trough just described.
You spend a million or five million, or more, to
campaign for a job paying one thirtieth of that
amount back - all so that you can get set up -
double-dealing, being cut-in on contracts, zoning
variances, re-evaluations, land distributions,
corporate boards and connections, speech-making
tours, influence-peddling schemes, sweetheart
deals and the rest. It starts out small, and goes
crazy from there. All the while, what little is
needed from you is that you stay on the 'right'
side of things, talk change and sympathy while
in reality changing nothing and in truth sympathizing
with nothing except your own interests and concerns.
The United States, despite all the platitudes and
religious crap and crowd-pleasing speeches and
malarkey, is and has always been nothing but a
den of bullshit. All those people involved - let me
say - can take all their platitudinizing and
political/corporate bullshit, roll it up, shove it
up their asses, shit it out, and then shove it back up,
for all I care. (That's Avenel talk). They would deserve
it. And they would deserve bathing in their own shit
too. Why should I mince words? - after what I've here
described, I'm disgusted all over again. Before I leave
this subject, however, and to reiterate once more how
I said 'Government' takes over the places of real import
and covers over what must be concealed, look at
free encyclopedia and see, for a start, another local
disaster that turned into a suspicious goldmine for
names like 'Levine' and the others. Read about it -
the location 'Nixon', now subsumed nicely into
Edison, still exists, and all of the referentials in the
small article still are current. The government has
done a nice job of covering everything over, building
commercially all over it - known as 'Raritan Center' -
and making millions for hundreds. I detest America,
and I detest every bit of the factional and coarse
co-option and lies and falsifications that go on.
I detest America, not for what it was, not for how it
began, but for what it has become - a tyrannical
autocracy of shysters, liars and deceivers willing to
fleece and abscond with whatever they can from
the public-be-damned-public, as long as they can
get theirs. We have been taken over by an occupation
army called Government. It operates without
compunction, while just pretending - going through
the means and the maneuvers needed to keep the
wool pulled over the eyes of a dim-witted and bloated,
mindless public. Had I my power, I'd take the
sword to it, right now. Unfortunately for the rest
of this world, I was placed here, in some fetid swamp
of a place to be called Avenel, just to see it being taken
from me. I was supposed to applaud this. I guess I forgot.
All my little places are but memories now, and a lot of
those kids from the 50's are gone. Thomas Wolfe said
you can't go home again. Most people don't want to,
but he was wrong too - you really can, and it's stronger
and richer and even more vivid when you again finally do.
I guess, too, I can remember being untroubled, but it
must have been a long time ago. There was a time when
I'd look at my grandmother's eyes - the only grandparent
I ever had face to face; she'd come and stay with us,
from Bayonne, every so often - and try to ascertain
what a life must have been like to been lived so long
ago, to have witnessed so much change and turmoil.
Of course, now I see differently. I'd think to myself that
she was a girl, from 1900, without cars and electricity
and plumbing and all of that, then I'd realize, well,
maybe, maybe not. Then I'd understand that she had
readily accepted all that no matter. It seemed to make
no difference to her. She would arrive to see us on a
bus and a train ride, two train rides actually (it was a
difficult switch from Bayonne by rail after taking the
bus to the Jersey City train station, then to Newark to s
switch for Rahway, then at Rahway to switch for the
Avenel stop, and then the walk to the house), then get
right to work cooking - some usual preparations for a
Sunday meal, cooked or prepared anyway on Saturday
night while sitting us kids and having some TV stuff
going - Lawrence Welk, Ed Sullivan, any of those dumb
variety shows; I don't know. That was what it all meant
being in the 20th century? Born in 1900, to see that,
to witness that? If given a choice, I might have said :
shoot me. What is it all when we have the nothing at all?
When we play-act through life, having families and
roles and livelihoods and practices of Self, but all
without any feasible sense or direction of within,
of creating, of nurturing something greater than life?
It's said Mothers attain bliss by having children; that's
their moment. Sounds wrong to me. Same with fathers;
broken on the shield of labor or expectation, compounded
by fatherhood. Does still sound wrong to me. Like
all the know-it-alls who've not done any of it and
say I'm wrong. Or right. These aren't categories,
they're opinions. It's something like words and images,
haunting things - the distance between present and
past. That gap can never be closed. I'm not lost in it,
believe me, but the essential core of my being - the
'what' of what I am today, is somewhere within it;
dressed in thought, decorated with colors. As such,
I address it. As an artist and a writer (believe me, I am
both) those are the raw materials I work from - not
to scoff at pining for things gone, just using it as clay.
Not James Joyce's 'Dubliners' clay ('Clay'), just rather,
the malleable, the moist. In Freud's words, it is
melancholy, or unresolved mourning, that unsettles
us. I don't know about that, but I'll accept it.
"The yearning for the past that poets and painters
often evince is also latent in the longings of scholars
who have devoted their intellectual lives to history
writing, to invoking that which came before but is
no longer. The poignancy is especially acute for
historians of art. In the sight of old objects that
continue to exist materially in the present, but whose
noisy and busy existence has long since been silenced,
there is something profoundly melancholic. Such a
state of mind is easier to feel than to define. Many
psychoanalysts (from Freud to Melanie Klein, and
the object-relations theorists who've taken her up),
have explored this quiet, brooding aspect of the
psychic life. Some have even linked it to the uncanny
phenomenological experience of being enveloped by
a work of art, what has been called, by Christopher
Bollas, falling under 'the shadow of the object...the
sense of being reminded of something never cognitively
apprehended but existentially known.'"
Of course, I am far from the first to emphasize what
has been regarded by many as our quintessential
postmodernist predicament. The 'rhetoric of mourning'
that has engendered so many late twentieth-century and
now twenty-first century studies in the humanities is
one devoted to the incomplete and the missing:
fragments, allegories, ruins, retreats from definitive
meanings. Those are pretty much the exact things I
here have been chasing for all these chapters. I have
to find the means or reaching my own terminology over
what I've been relating, or trying to. How can I do that?
How can I tell the story of crawling through the sewer-pipes
sluices under the Costa Ice Cream factory and coming out
to tell the story. What possible language can I use? What
shortcuts can bring this HOME AGAIN for me and for a
reader? Yes, how then do I lie to tell about it? I'm trying
to put a portrait to a dip-shit place like 'Avenel' by,
finally, painting it my way, and that way only. Not a piece
of it is true by today's world and standards.
Yet the practice of art provides an oxymoronic twist
to this by-now-common characterization. The very
materiality of objects with which I try to get this across
shows a time lost and found, past and present. Some
archeaological, crap-eyes version of 'Avenel' Again.
My heart breaks. As Martin Heidegger once put it,
'World-withdrawal and world-decay can never be
undone. The works are no longer the same as they once
were. It is they themselves, to be sure, that we encounter
there, but they themselves are gone by.'...The quest for
lost origins, for example, has lain at the heart of the
history of art ever since the discipline itself originated.
On this ground alone, the typical art historical enterprise
seems predestined to be a melancholic one. It is not just
a matter of trying to retrieve forgotten historical meanings
or neglected artists. Seeking to situate provenance,
identify individual intentions, relocate physical settings,
decipher underdrawings and situate works of art back
into their cultural and ideological contexts are all
commonplace indications of a compulsion to recover
a certain something long since forgotten or abandoned.
The concept of 'melancholy writing' is especially apposite
for reflecting on this underside of the art historical
enterprise....' (taken from The Melancholy Art: (Essays
in the Arts) by Michael Ann Holly (Feb 24, 2013) 'Mourning
and Method'). And anyway, when you look at it, what is it I
am here doing but 'questing' for origins myself, or some
sort of melancholy art about going back to a source,
something I feel real. Realer than this world anyway.
This world sucks. I've had it up to here with blowhards and
hardheads. I'm not in any good shape, I conclude. I'm
in Avenel shape.
So, anyway, I've spent a lot of time reclaiming things. I've
enjoyed each minute of doing so, and remain proud of
it all, like a sad firestorm, out of Avenel, and place
that never really did exist. And I am not done. If anyone,
therefore, says that Time is not a flexible membrane,
they are wrong. Things are underway all of the time
with alteration, change, and - yes - transfiguration.
I have lived amidst at least three or four versions of
Time, and the local realities it produces. At least three
or four, and that does not include the stranger
liquification of reality and all its proofs that took
place for me in the hospital, undergoing coma,
and reawakening to this field of Life and Time.
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